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The Gateway Project

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The Talent Gateway Project fulfills the community vision created throughout open houses, forums, and public meetings during the last several years. Some of those meetings helped produce the “Housing Needs Analysis” (HNA) and “Economic Opportunities Analysis” (EOA) for Talent, defining the expected housing and commercial needs in Talent, as well as potential business types that fit Talent’s needs and character. These documents formed the foundation for Talent’s comprehensive plan amendments for the Economy and Housing. Talent Urban Renewal Agency (TURA) took the goals from those elements and refined them through several months and many hours of public input to create the vision for the Gateway Project. The vision iof the project calls for a walkable mixed-use area with a nice green space and businesses that serve residents’ needs, showcase Talent’s wealth of creativity, and bring new visitors to town.


The open space and infrastructure of the Gateway Project will also enhance downtown’s appeal and further long-term City goals. The space within the project will be designed to be as walkable and pedestrian-oriented as possible, with a large green space designed to support small musical and other events. This will provide recreation for local residents as well as compliment nearby businesses. This will ensure that the City is moving toward more concentrated growth and future road connectivity, but maintains the walkable and relaxing community feel of Talent.

Affordable/Workforce Housing Workshop

Previous Reports and Documents

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