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The Talent Urban Renewal Plan – Listening to the Feedback.

TURA Staff

So, what happened on the Talent Urban Renewal Plan? For those that have been following the articles in local news, attending City Council meetings, or plugging into social media, you may already know. But for those who are still on the edge of your seats…. read on!

From the end of June through Mid-August, the City collected feedback on the proposed urban renewal plan. That feedback came from community members submitting letters and talking at City Council meetings, from City staff when they presented an analysis about the financial impacts, and from other taxing districts who wrote letters to share how the plan could impact them. After reviewing the collective feedback, the City Council decided to take three actions: (1) delay the start date of the plan to reduce the financial impact on other taxing districts, (2) put the decision to the voters on the May 2023 ballot, and (3) use the extra time to refine the plan further. Those actions – as well as the core intent of why the Council is considering an urban renewal plan – are captured in a resolution that the Council unanimously passed on August 17th.

Over the next few months, the Council and staff will re-run the financial analysis, work with the community to define priority projects, and continue to work with taxing districts to craft a plan that supports stronger community outcomes. Once a re-drafted plan is reviewed by Council, it will go back out for the public review process, before being considered for referral to the May ballot by Council.

If you have an idea for how urban renewal can best serve our community, or to stay up-to-date on urban renewal topics, please reach out to, or swing by City Hall to say hello.

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