Food Truck Grant Program Overview
The Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Talent has launched a food truck grant program targeted at local businesses that the Almeda Fire negatively impacted. Grant recipients selected through the program will be eligible for for free space rent and utilities on the Gateway Transitional Housing Site in Downtown Talent (for a period determined by the Food Truck Grant Selection Committee). To learn more about the Gateway vision, please visit the project page. Entry to the grant program is open to all Rogue Valley food and beverage businesses, with priority given within the grant selection process to businesses previously located or operating in Talent that the Almeda Fire negatively impacted.
Grant Program Timeline
Late August 2021 Agency Launches Grant Program
October 29th at 5:00 pm PST Grant Applications Due
Ongoing, After Submission Grant Selection Committee Reviews Applications
Ongoing Selection Recommendations are Presented to Agency's Board of Directors
Ongoing Agency Staff Coordinates with Selected Applicants on Grant Agreements
Food Truck Grant Program Application
Food Truck Grant Program Terms & Conditions
Other Funding: Funds from other granting sources may be leveraged through this program.
Maximum Award: The maximum grant award will not exceed 1 year of space rent and utilities (limited to $250 / month) on the Gateway Site in downtown Talent, Oregon. Food Truck Grant award amounts and selections are at the sole descretion of the Grant Selection Committee and the Board of Directors of the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Talent.
Business Restrictions: Funds are only avaliable to businesses located within the Rogue Valley. The Grant Selection Committee may use the business relationship and history with the Talent Community as a selection factor.
Who May Apply: Businesses within the Rogue Valley. Application/Approval Process: A multi-step application process is required. Appropriateness of applications is the decision of the Agency and Grant Selection Committee, based on available funding, the application’s ability to meet the goals and objectives of the Urban Renewal Plan. The Agency has sole authority to determine eligibility of business, approve changes to approved grants, and confirm grant conditions are met. All businesses must meet the requirements of the City’s business licensing requirements.
Approval of Grant: The Agency will have sole authority to determine eligibility of grantee and confirmation that the grantee meets grant conditions. Certain business activities may be required or preclude as a condition of funding.
Selection Methods: The Agency may utilize ranking systems or other determining factors to assist in the selection process depending on availability of funds and the number of applicants. If used, a ranking system may include, but not be limited to: location, need of applicant, the business's application narrative and responses to application questions. Such ranking systems may be modified at any time to meet the goals of the Agency. Agency may coordinate with a Grant Selection Committee, City Commissions, and/or Committees to review grant applications and make recommendations the Agency's Board of Directors. The Agency reserves the right to use a lottery system to determine grantees.
Selection Preference: The Agency will prioritize funds for Talent businesses that were negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Commitment of Funds: Awards will be based on available funding, the application’s ability to meet the goals and objectives of the Urban Renewal Plan. All proposed applications will be reviewed and approved by the Agency, prior to the Agency’s executing an official Agreement with the applicant. The Agreement will outline all the terms and conditions of the grant. It will be signed by the Agency and the applicant and serve as the legal commitment of both parties as to the scope, business obligations and the amount of funds / in-kind contributions committed.